Display settings of LogView window
Display settings for LogView
window are the ones of data filter, you can use menu command View→LogView
or the toolbar at the left of
LogView window.
In LogView window all
information is arranged to several groups:
to display basic types of data
use Filter bar:
- Common Messages;
- Status Events;
- Input Stream;
- Output Stream;
- Time Line.
When pressed, a button
enables display of the data it refers to.
Note: you can hide Status Events messages only after you hided Common Messages group.
In their turn, input and output
data stream may be displayed in the following formats by switching relevant
buttons in Type of View bar:
- Binary;
- Octal;
- Decimal;
- Hexadecimal;
- Charset.
One or several formats
can be used simultaneously. To enable a required format click relevant button in
the list or select corresponding command in the menu.
number of bytes in a line can be as well arranged using Width
LogView field.
This toolbar functions as a selection switcher to the required number of bytes
in a line.
button changes the direction of
data display in LogView window, when disabled, messages are added to the bottom
of all data text, if enabled, messages come to the top of it.